Erth Wellness 1000MG Isolate CBD Vape Juice 30ML


Erth Wellness 1000MG Isolate CBD Vape Juice 30ML - THC Free
Our CBD Vape Juice is made using 99%+ Pure CBD isolate. We offer 5 fantastic flavors to choose from. Our THC Free CBD Vape Juice will work in any refillable electronic cigarette type setup. This product does not require any unique wattage or settings, however, you may get more flavor out of higher wattage devices.

SUGGESTED USE: Our THC Free CBD Vape Juice will work in any refillable electronic cigarette type setup. This product does not require any unique wattage or settings, however, you may get more flavor out of higher wattage devices.

1 x Erth Wellness 1000MG Isolate CBD Vape Juice 30ML - THC Free

Available Flavors:
Blue Raspberry | Grape Candy | Green Apple | Juicy Watermelon | Wintermint

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